Jana King Allen

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24 Apr: Evaluating Supplier Performance in Outsourcing

Outsourcing key business operations can be a strategic decision for companies aiming to improve services, reduce expenses, or expand their capabilities. However, the success of outsourcing depends heavily on the performance of the supplier. Establishing clear service requirements and effectively assessing a supplier’s performance ensures that a company receives the anticipated value from the outsourcing arrangement and strengthens the partnership between the client and the supplier. Here’s how a company can effectively evaluate supplier performance in an outsourcing agreement.

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07 Mar: Navigating the Legal Dynamics of Outsourcing: Insights for Customers and Service Providers

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, outsourcing has become a pivotal strategy for companies aiming to boost efficiency and trim expenses. However, navigating the legal complexities of outsourcing agreements requires careful consideration from both customers and service providers. Here are some of the intricacies and key legal issues to be addressed for an effective outsourcing relationship.

supply agreements volume estimates legal services

22 Sep: Supply Agreements: Volume Estimate or Purchase Commitment

When entering supply agreements, buyers and sellers have competing interests around the volume of goods to be purchased or supplied. A buyer wants maximum flexibility on the volume of goods it will order, while seeking favorable pricing and security that the seller can provide the volumes the buyer needs. A seller, on the other hand, wants the buyer to commit on the volumes it will purchase, so the supplier can plan its production, ensure predictable sales, and align pricing with volumes.


24 Feb: California Privacy Law vs GDPR

The increasing role of technology, data, and sharing of personal information has heightened consumers’ risk of the unauthorized use or disclosure of their personal information. Governments have passed legislation to protect consumers from these risks.  In the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protects data subjects. In California, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides protection for consumers.