Today, the Swiss Federal Council has launched consultations on the counter-project to the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative. But no matter the level of regulation imposed, there are many responsible businesses that have already implemented good sustainability programs with real impact on the ground.
Manisha Chowdhry
Mid-size businesses are often faced with having to deal with multiple competing requests to comply with their customers’ sustainability programs. Till explains how to deal with this kind of situation.
Sustainability is a core business issue for all companies, regardless of the size. Till explains why all companies should care about having a sustainability program.
Companies should implement a well thought out sustainability program including the key success factors discussed in this video.
From theory to practice – where should a company start when deciding to implement a sustainability program?
Manisha and Till are discussing about the actual impact of the Swiss initiative on the ground. Will it make a positive change for the people and the environment?
In the 3rd video about ths Swiss initiative, Manisha and Till are covering the following aspects:
– The legal risks that a company faces if it fails to comply with the Swiss initiative.
– Why it is not a good idea to declare you have a sustainability program but not implement it.
In today’s video, Manisha and Till are covering two aspects:
– Why comply with the initiative?
– Isn’t a company’s goal just to maximize shareholder wealth? Do investors care?
Manisha Chowdhry, Commercial & Environmental Lawyer at Logan & Partners, is discussing with Till Olbrich, partner at Massari Olbrich, about the Swiss Initiative for Responsible Businesses.